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  • Blog 11 - Prepare an individual writing plan based on previous practice tests. Think of what your weaknesses have been and the general directions you have to follow ...
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  • - This blog has two parts. FIRST PART: you will reflect on using blogs instead of journals for informal writing. What are the benefits of using blogger, as y...
    13 years ago

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Blog 6

Personal directions for the CATW
1:Read the passage above and write an essay responding to the idea it represents.
2:In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the author's most important ideas.
3: Devellop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance
1, 2, and 3: First of all, I need an opening sentence (publication info), than I need a good summary in my own words, and a significant idea (in quotes) that I agree or disagree with. I have to choose the idea that I have things I can talk about, not choose the one I believe in.
4: Support your claims with evidences or examples drawn from what your have read, learned in school, and?or personally experienced.
I have to explain why do I agree or disagree (don't be general, but give an own idea like giving a story)
5: Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking.
I need to review my essay and make sure I have critical connections between bodies, so the reader can follow my essay.
6: You will hve 90min to complete your essay .
20min: read the passage
10min: write the summary
50min: write the essay
10min: review it
And of course I will definitly  need a watch.

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