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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CATW Practice 2

      I heard a definition once: happiness is health and a short memory! I wish I'd invented. because it's very true. It's health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. We all know that without health life is not life that's why maslow put it first in his pyramyde. In the article " the women died in the waiting room:published in Newsweek, July 12, 2008, the author Jeneen Interlandi tells us a little story about an old woman who died in the waiting room of Brooklyn's largest pyshiatric. this woman went to the hospital when she felt pain in her legs. she thaught she will be fine if she's around medical staff numbers. However this women didn't get what she expected. She stayed in the waiting room and waiting for help, but no body bothered their selves to check her. By the time the nurse tried to kick her, the woman was already dead nearly 40min ago!
     According to the article, Interlandi states: "they are the poor, the uninsured and the undocumented. Many of them suffer from chronic conditions that could potentially be treated with medication and regular counseling, luxuries most of them cannot afford:. I strongly agree that when a country forceful effort to reach a goal or objective without thinking about its poor people, we can expect anything in that country.. But the problem is who will care about these poor and uninsured people who the public hospitals locked them away in cold without offering them a place in society.
      How comes the country offers 50.000 inpatient psychiatric beds for tens of millions of people?! I think the U.S should better review its strategies and care more about poor people who ara not asking much. They just need a secure sociatey so they feel secured and there is someone thinks and cares about them. Many people don't have money to pay doctors consultation if they have pain. In this case who should care and offer the help, it's the government of course because people have good incomes and have their insurances won't think about others/

       Also, we need very good helpful people in our hospitals. We really need professional medical stuff members who offer help and good services that we need and expect from them. This little story was an example of uncare and ignorance that poor, uninsured, and undocumented getting every day.
 The woman who dies in the waiting room was sitting under the watchful eye of a security camera that causes this story to be known over the country and by many people. But we have to be aware that maybe these things happen everyday and none of us discovered.

Monday, October 17, 2011

An education in Citizenship

      The educational process has been the subject of much comment by academics and writers. In the article "an education in citizenship", the author writes that an ordeal of Illegal Immigrants able to go to college and only having to pay in-state tuition.This legislation presents more advantages for lawmakers than for citizen sudents and  made American wondering why the Americain government makes it harder for citizens. I'm personally wondering why insist in citizens concerning education and make t harder for them while education is a bisic element of citizenships and its rights?

    I came from a country of ther thrd world, where he education is free and it's an everone's right. And before I moved to the states,  I thaught is the same and evan better since the states is one of the richest countries nd fr sre the most powerful country in the world. But when I came here and decided to go to school, I realized thats it's easier for an immigrant to get a higher education more than it is for an american and then I discovered why most of american don't finish their education. At that time, I started wondering why? I was sure that it's not about money because we all know how much money the states spend every year against terorrisme. And in lieu of spending all this money on that stupid lie made by Israel and Islam's enemies, they should better take care of their people and offer them what they need including health before education.
    As I mentioned before, the reason that the american government insists on citizens about education is not money, it's also stated by the author in te article, "since their parent's federal tax dollars help support the pell grants and federal loans". So yes why they charge citizens from other states more for tuition than they do for non-citizen immigrants?

     But untill the day we now the reason why comes, we all keep wondering and guessing.